In high school, I learned the four great classical Chinese novels.
它们是:"水浒传","三国演义","西游记" 和 "红楼梦"。
They are: Water Margin, Romance of the three Kingdoms, Journey to the West and Dream of the Red Chamber.
对我来说,"三国演义" 是最有名的。小的时候,我看过一部越语版的"三国演义"。
For me, Romance of the three Kingdoms is the most famous one. During my childhood, I read a Vietnamese version of the novel.
这部小说很有意思。"三国演义"让我了解了中国的历史。"三国演义里",我很佩服的人物是"诸葛亮"。他是 刘备作为皇帝的军师。他非常博学和聪明。
This novel is very interesting and helps me learn Chinese history. I admire the character Zhūge Liàng very much. He is a military adviser for the king. He is very knowledgeable and intelligent.
这四部古典小说已经被改编为电影。在越南,也有很多人知道"西游记"。越南孩子也很喜欢中国电视剧 “西游记”。他们很爱“孙悟空”主角.
The four novels have been the scripts of Chinese movies. In Vietnam, most of people know "Journey to the West". Vietnamese children are very fond of Chinese movie called "Journey to the West". They love the main character Sun Wukong so much.
The four novels have been the scripts of Chinese movies. In Vietnam, most of people know "Journey to the West". Vietnamese children are very fond of Chinese movie called "Journey to the West". They love the main character Sun Wukong so much.
*水浒传 (水滸傳) - Water Margin ; 年代:14世纪 - 作家:施耐庵
(三國演義) - Romance of the three kingdoms; 年代:14世纪 - 作家:罗贯中
红楼梦 (紅樓夢)- Dream of the Red Chamber; 年代:18世纪 - 作家:曹雪芹
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